adamant の意味
adamant の発音
"adamant" は英検1級の教材に載っています。
ミディアム 霊能者アリソン・デュボア (Medium)
Season 4 Episode 5
弁護士: And again, you didn't agree.
被告人: I was fairly adamant that both my children should live at home.
弁護士: Wait a second. Let's talk about this word "adamant."
It conjures up all sorts of images. It makes you sound intractable.
Let me make something clear here. No one is asking you to lie.
But it would be very helpful if somhow this jury was made to believe that the idea of sending Chloe away was something you might have reluctantly considered.
マイラ (被告人の長女): But it's just not true.
My father would never put Chloe in an institution.
We're family. She belongs at home with us.
弁護士: I know that, Ms. Edgemont, and I admire it.
But without lying about any of the material facts of this case, we have to paint a picture of the jury on who your father is.
We want it to be impossible for them to imagine that he's done this horrible thing.
We're fighting for your father's life.
被告人: She understands. We both understand.
I'll try to avoid using the word "adamant."
弁護士: All right, fine.
犯人は意外にもあの人でした・・・。気になる方はぜひ Hulu でご覧ください。
ここでは "intractable" という単語も使われています。この単語も「強情な、頑固な、手に負えない」という意味で、"adamant" と同じく英検 1 級単語です。
2020年6月7日現在、どちらも Hulu で視聴できます。
"adamant" は「断固とした、ほかの人の意見を聞こうとしない」といった強い言葉です。裁判で避けるほど、使い方には慎重になる必要があるようです。